I feel like I should apologize for not blogging for so long. I have been under the weather for what seems like forever due to my fibromyalgia being so out of control. Unfortunately stress and weather dictate how I feel and both have taken over my life lately. Since we are finally getting a break from the rain I'm feeling somewhat better and have been working on my flower and hostus gardens which have been neglected for way too long. Now if someone has a cure for the stress please post in comment section! My wonderful hubby put all new rock in for my birthday. He worked a whole day on it and it's looking beautiful again. I've been planting tons of annuals also in old pails and tins that I've been collecting over the years. Once again I've gone way overboard but what's a girl to do when she has too many to chose from. Plant something in all of them right? LOL Here's a few shots of my little peace of heaven. I hope you enjoy. :-)